
Yu Lian Plastic was founded in 1981 and introduced sheeting machine made by Nippon Roll FMG. In August that year, PVC sheet was put into formal production for manufacturing common sheeting, inner lining and laminated sheeting applicable to inner lining of various cases and bags; meanwhile, the capacity was raised year by year. In accordance with the requirements of the clients and the response to the diversity of market, we expanded the factory and planned to build the second factory in 1986.

We also employed the machinery form Nippon Roll FMG and advanced the specification of the machines and the power up to 190KG/horse power for manufacturing the extra large sheeting and semi-rigid sheeting 12-24PHR.

In 1987, the formal industrial production was in place and the company was renamed after Soong Mhau Enterprise Co., Ltd. engaging in the development of new items and breaking the traditional industrial standards to advance the thickness from 0.5m/m to 1.2m/m, which can lessen the cost of lamination process and endeavor after more orders.
